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What Women Are Saying...

"This program has been truly phenomenal. I came in set in my ways, but seeking something new that could help me change my mind about life period. Femala did more than that, she made me want to be a better person while making better decisions. Her dedication and passion for health are exactly what's needed in this industry because she peels back the layers and get to the core of why we have these habits to begin with. I learned so much about me and my thinking. She took me back to childhood and it was extremely therapeutic. There were trauma moments that I failed to deal with internally, but this forced me to face the pain. I got connected with the little girl and even garnered up strength to apologize to me. This program is worth every penny for those that truly want change. I know that my situation was all over the place, but you still gave us a chance and an outlet. I thank you and when I'm able, I will be able to pour back into you as you so selflessly poured into us. You have me questioning everything I eat now lol. This journey is still tough but I know what we all can achieve with dedication and discipline. I'm not giving up on me again. So I thank you again Femala for introducing me to new and intentional habits that I even do with my daughter now. I send peace and blessings your way. You have something amazing on your hands. Thank you!"

Brittany Green
"Peeling The Layers Back"

Peeling your layers back to get to the core of your weight loss journey.

"What I appreciate the most about EQ Fitness is the tools that I now have to navigate life not just when it comes to my physical health but my mental. The tools taught to me were life changing. I am a better person for going through it, I learned so much about myself and the power of the mind. How food can and does affect more than our outside appearance. Most importantly for me, is the personal touch talking with someone who genuinely cares and wants you healthy physically and mentally I will have a special place in my heart for this experience."

Jasmine Benson
"The Power of The Mind"

Mindfulness and training your mental health as well as your physical health.  Total fitness and weight loss. Yoga.

"Femala offered us a program that requires you to dig deep into the factors impacting your food choices. As a group we took a journey into our relationship with food and identified emotions tied to unhealthy choices. We cried, laughed and bonded as a group.

She also offers a meal plan challenge to kickstart and plans based on personality testing results. It’s the most well thought out weight loss experience that goes beyond the surface."

Crystal Glo
"Cry, Laugh, & Bond"

Group fitness and a weight loss community to support you laugh, cry, and bond.  Women's fitness and weight loss.
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